Ant-Based Contention-Resolution Schemes for Shared Fiber-Delay Line Optical Packet Switches
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This paper studies the Ant-based packet contention resolution schemes for the singlestage shared FDL optical packet switches. A new Ant-based algorithm is proposed, namely delaybased FDL assignment and number–delay-based FDL assignment. The proposed algorithm can makes FDLs and output port reservation so as to improve the cell-loss rate under various traffic loads. The proposed contention resolution scheme is shown to effectively resolve packet contention and achieve good performance by requiring minimum fiber delay length.
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How to Cite
Chin, T. S., Abbou, F. M., & Tat, E. H. (2007). Ant-Based Contention-Resolution Schemes for Shared Fiber-Delay Line Optical Packet Switches. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 6(2), 20–26. Retrieved from
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