A Formal Model for Partitioning based Aspect Mining
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Separation of concerns is a very important principle of software engineering that, in its most general form, refers to the ability to identify, encapsulate and manipulate those parts of a software system that are relevant to a particular concept, goal, or purpose. Aspect Oriented Programming provides means to encapsulate concerns which cannot be modularized using traditional programming techniques. These concerns are called crosscutting concerns. Aspect Mining is a research direction that tries to identify crosscutting concerns in legacy systems. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new formal model for partitioning based aspect mining. Such a model was not defined in the literature, yet. The applicability of the proposed formal model is studied on three different aspect mining techniques.
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How to Cite
Cojocar, G. S. (Moldovan), & Serban, G. (2007). A Formal Model for Partitioning based Aspect Mining. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 6(3), 19–26. Retrieved from
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