Encryption-Compression of Echographic images using FMT transform and DES algorithm

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Mohammed Benabdellah
Fakhita Regragui
Nourddine Zahid
El Houssine Bouyakhf


The compression and the encryption of data are two techniques whose importance believes in an exponential way in a myriad of applications. The development of the applications related to several fields of image processing requires the use of telecommunication and information technologies which evolved very quickly these last years. The use of the data-processing networks, for the transmission and the transfer of the data, must satisfy two objectives which are: the reduction of the volume of information to free, the maximum possible, the public networks of communication, and the protection in order to guarantee a level of optimum safety. For this we have proposed a new hybrid approach of encryption-compression, which is based on the DES encryption algorithm of the dominant coefficients, in a mixed-scale representation, of compression by the multi-scale transformation of Faber-Schauder. The comparison of this approach with other methods of encryption-compression, such as DCT-RSA and DCT-Partial-encryption, showed its good performance.

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How to Cite
Benabdellah, M., Regragui, F., Zahid, N., & Bouyakhf, E. H. (2007). Encryption-Compression of Echographic images using FMT transform and DES algorithm. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 6(4), 36–42. Retrieved from