P2P Routing in the Metascheduler Architecture to provide QoS in Cloud Computing
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This paper presents an evaluation of different routing algorithms employed in a logical layer peer-to-peer (P2P). The adopted model uses a Metascheduler that provides quality of services (QoS) in Cloud Computing. The experiments show the response times and the variation between the results of different tests. The various routing algorithms has given the influence of the number of users and type of requested services and how these factors interact between themselves. Based on specific objectives, the results allow determining the impact of the utilization of P2P approaches (Pastry and Chord) by a metascheduler on the search and discovery of services regarding the way the QoS is performed.
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How to Cite
Filho, D. M. L., Peixoto, M. L. M., Santana, M. J., & Santana, R. H. C. (2013). P2P Routing in the Metascheduler Architecture to provide QoS in Cloud Computing. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 12(2), 1–11. Retrieved from
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