Secure Quantum Dialogue based on Non-orthogonal Entangled States and Local Unitary Operation

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Dr. Narayan Lal Gupta


We introduce a secure quantum dialogue scheme characterized by non-orthogonal entangled states that use the concept of superdense coding to obtain optimum efficiency and high resource capacity. In this scheme, two non-orthogonal four-qubit cluster states are deployed as a quantum channel to communicate four-qubit secret information by encrypting only two qubits. By virtue of the non-orthogonality of the quantum channel, the current approach can effectively prevent various sorts of viable unauthorized access while establishing a robust quantum channel. Furthermore, two security checks and authentication processes make it more secure, and it also overcomes the disadvantage of information loss and is technically attainable with present technology.

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SANJU CHAUHAN, & Dr. Narayan Lal Gupta. (2024). Secure Quantum Dialogue based on Non-orthogonal Entangled States and Local Unitary Operation. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 23(1). Retrieved from
Network, Communication, Operating Systems, Parallel and Distributed Computing


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