On Dynamic Resource Allocation in WiMAX Networks
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The emerging broadband wireless access WiMAX provides wireless users with ubiquitous access to different classes of services. One of the main challenging problems in WiMAX networks is the resource allocation and the quality of service provisioning. In this paper, we tackle this problem and apply a Double Movable Boundary Scheme (DMBS) which is based on dynamic sharing of resources between different traffic categories provided by a common resource pool. Besides satisfying each connection’s QoS requirement, DMBS raises the throughput by dynamically adjusting resource allocation. Simulation results show that DMBS reduces real-time traffic delay and blocking probability and increases bandwidth usage while respecting non-real time traffic requirements.
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How to Cite
Naja, R., & Ahmad, A. (2010). On Dynamic Resource Allocation in WiMAX Networks. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 9(3), 42–51. Retrieved from
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