Kalman-Takens filtering in communication systems

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Maria Augusta Moreira
Marcio Jose Teixeira
Varese Salvador Timoteo


We apply a model-free predictor based on the Kalman Filter to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data
from a mobile communication system experiment. The experiment consist of collecting performance
indicators on a mobile device during the trajectory of a city bus. In particular, we analyze the SNR
measured by the mobile, which is collected every second via an application. Since some mechanisms in
a mobile network depend on the SNR, like power control and handoff processes, our results show that it
is possible to use prediction models to improve several procedures in mobile communications systems.

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How to Cite
Moreira, M. A., Teixeira, M. J., & Salvador Timoteo, V. (2024). Kalman-Takens filtering in communication systems. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 23(1). Retrieved from
Network, Communication, Operating Systems, Parallel and Distributed Computing


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