Review On The Analysis Of Qoe Applied In Serious Virtual Reality Games

Main Article Content

Demostenes Zegarra Rodriguez
Fernando Caio SILVA AMARAL


Over time, electronic games have evolved from simple pixelated objects to complex expe-
riences with a wide variety of narratives and user interactions, including various forms of immersion
such as customized controls and games utilizing virtual reality (VR). VR allows users to interact with
and perceive virtual objects in a more immersive way. Transitioning beyond mere entertainment, games
have proven to be excellent educational tools for teaching various subjects and assisting in tasks like
professional training across diverse fields, known as serious games. Through the use of virtual reality,
individuals can visually learn through experiences such as virtual trips to aquariums, museums, and even
the lunar surface. Healthcare professionals can practice surgical techniques using virtual patients, and
production industry workers can operate machines without the need to halt real factory machinery for
training purposes. While this technology is considered revolutionary by some, certain factors still hinder
the widespread adoption of virtual reality by the general population. One primary concern reported by
VR users is the occurrence of motion sickness and discomfort. Research is underway to enhance the user
experience, but this remains an open challenge. Addressing this issue, user experience (QoE) research
can be applied to assess and identify improvements. Thus, QoE enhancements not only contribute to
user satisfaction but also maximize the educational benefits of these games. This study aims to evalu-
ate key user complaints regarding the experience with specific games. Once these issues are identified,
suggestions will be implemented, and a new round of user game experimentation, along with feedback
collection, will be conducted. This refinement process is intended to be repeated iteratively, allowing the
results to guide improvements in the Quality of Experience for serious games.

Article Details

How to Cite
Zegarra Rodriguez, D., & SILVA AMARAL, F. C. (2024). Review On The Analysis Of Qoe Applied In Serious Virtual Reality Games. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 22(2). Retrieved from


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