Efficient Clustering for Mobile Ad Hoc Network
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This paper proposes a thechnique for election od nodes called clusterhead to cordinate the cluster activities. There are a number of algorithms for election of clusterhead; some of them consider only one specific property oof node such as node's id or degree for clusterhead selection. Some of the algorithms take in to account several performance factors such as node degree, mobility, and enegy requirement and battery power of nodes. However, the entire cluster based protocol and cluster formation algorithm that have been proposed assume thet the wireless nodes are trustworthy. This assumption may naturally lead to the selection of a compromised or malicious node to be the cluster head. Having a malicious cluster-head severely compromises the security and usability of the network. This paper proposes a method which calculates the trustworthiness of a node and takes it as a performance factor while electing clusterhead.
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How to Cite
Agarwal, R., Gupta, R., & Motwani, M. (2010). Efficient Clustering for Mobile Ad Hoc Network. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 9(2), 49–56. Retrieved from
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