A Concerns-based Metrics Suite for Web Applications
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Web applications have become very complex and crucial, especially when combined with areas such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and BPR (Business Process Reengineering). The scientific community has focused attention to Web applications design, development, analysis, and testing, by studying and proposing methodologies and tools. This paper proposes a metrics suite to measure Web software modelled via Object-Oriented techniques, in particular, the proposed suite is useful to analyze software designed via feature concerns approach, based on Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns (MDSOC). This suite lets us analyze existing software relevant to specific concern functionality, and/or relevant to functionalities integration. The measurement approach was developed in the context of WAAT (Web Applications Analysis and Testing) project.
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How to Cite
Marchetto, A. (2005). A Concerns-based Metrics Suite for Web Applications. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 4(3), 11–22. Retrieved from
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