A Framework for Reengineering Web Applications to Web Services
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Web services technology and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) are rapidly developing and widely supported. However, it is fairly difficult for existing Web applications to expose functionality as services in a service-oriented architecture, because when Web applications were built, they served as monolithic systems. This paper describes a framework called WA2WS, which can be used for constructing Web Services from existing Web applications. This framework consists of two phases. First, an abstraction phase which consists in extracting UML conceptual schema from a Web application using domain ontology. Second, an implementation phase which consists in generating the JAVA code of Web service from the UML conceptual schema using mapping rules.
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How to Cite
Djelloul, B., Mimoun, M., & Kader, M. A. E. (2008). A Framework for Reengineering Web Applications to Web Services. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 7(1), 19–26. Retrieved from
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