Fractal and Multi-Scale Fractal Dimension analysis: a comparative study of Bouligand-Minkowski method
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Shape is one of the most important visual attributes used to characterize objects, playing a important role in pattern recognition. There are various approaches to extract relevant information of a shape. An approach widely used in shape analysis is the complexity, and Fractal Dimension and Multi-Scale Fractal Dimension are both well-known methodologies to estimate it. This papers presents a comparative study between Fractal Dimension and Multi-Scale Fractal Dimension in a shape analysis context. Through experimental comparison using a shape database previously classified, both methods are compared. Different parameters configuration of each method are considered and a discussion about the results of each method is also presented.
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How to Cite
Backes, A. R., & Bruno, O. M. (2008). Fractal and Multi-Scale Fractal Dimension analysis: a comparative study of Bouligand-Minkowski method. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 7(2), 74–83. Retrieved from
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