A survey of point insertion techniques in bidimensional Delaunay Triangulations
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Triangulations are geometric discretizations essential in many scientific applications, such as engineering simulations, visualizations, and geographic information systems. The preferred shape of a triangle depends on the applications. Theoretical and experimental analysis of numerical methods that are used in conjunction with triangulations suggest that triangles with no large angles and/or small angles serve well in most applications. This paper is a brief review of a point insertion in 2D Delaunay Triangulations. Important works on the insertion of vertices in Delaunay Triangulations are described as a start point for one who needs to build a quality mesh using adaptive triangular-mesh refinement.
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How to Cite
de Oliveira, S. L. G. (2011). A survey of point insertion techniques in bidimensional Delaunay Triangulations. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 10(2), 1–7. Retrieved from
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