Efficient Compressive Sensing based Technique for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Energy consumption and prolonging network lifetime are a primary challenge in many studies on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Thus, since radio communication and routing protocol transmission are in general the main cause of power consumption, different techniques proposed in literature to improve energy efficiency have mainly focused on limiting transmission/reception of data. To this aim, we propose an adaptive and efficient technique based on compressive sensing for improving the performance of routing in wireless sensor network. The performance of our technique is evaluated by applying it to PEGASIS (power efficient gathering in sensor information systems), which is one
of the most popular protocols for routing in wireless sensor network. A comparison of PEGASIS and PEGASIS with Huffman coding shows the advantage of the proposed technique in terms of reducing the energy consumption and network lifetime.
of the most popular protocols for routing in wireless sensor network. A comparison of PEGASIS and PEGASIS with Huffman coding shows the advantage of the proposed technique in terms of reducing the energy consumption and network lifetime.
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How to Cite
Osamy, W., Salim, A., & Aziz, A. (2013). Efficient Compressive Sensing based Technique for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 12(1), 1–9. Retrieved from
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