A Survey on Distributed Visualization Techniques over Clusters of Personal Computers
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In the last years, Distributed Visualization over Personal Computer (PC) clusters has become important for research and industrial communities. They have made large-scale visualizations practical and more accessible. In this work we survey Distributed Visualization techniques aiming at compiling last decade’s literature on the use of PC clusters as suitable alternatives to high-end workstations. We review the topic by defining basic concepts, enumerating system requirements and implementation challenges, and presenting up-to-date methodologies. Our work fulfills the needs of newcomers and seasoned professionals as an introductory compilation at the same time that it can help experienced personnel by organizing ideas.
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How to Cite
Rodrigues Jr., J. F., Balan, A. R., Zaina, L., & Traina, A. J. M. (2009). A Survey on Distributed Visualization Techniques over Clusters of Personal Computers. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 8(4), 79–90. Retrieved from
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